Join a Committee
We invite you to join one of our committees, as outlined below. For more information or to express your interest, please contact us!
1 – Communications: Lora-Marie Bernard and Janel Cunneen (Chairs); vacant (Global Digital Media Editor); Pema Sherpa (Member)
This committee is responsible for outreach to overall ANHW membership, using such mechanisms as the ANHW website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and a blog
Promotion of events, webinars, and other activities
Preparation of newsletters
2 – Member Engagement Committee: Mary Rounsifer (Chair); Fozia Asif, Lisa Khan, Chichi Nwodah, Kiley O’Meara, Hideko Tachibana (Members)
This committee will handle new memberships and updating Chapter/DSG lists
Members will also work on outreach to various Harvard communities, in liaison with the Outreach Committee
3 – Outreach: Lisa Khan and Anisha Kumar (Chairs);
This committee will liaise with the Harvard College Women’s Center, as well as various student and alumnae/i groups
4 - Program: Lynn Thoman, Chair;
The committee will prepare webinars that could be shared with the ANHW membership at large
The committee will develop joint programs with some of the Harvard groups, with various SIGs and Harvard Clubs
5 - Early College Awareness (ECA) Program: Cheryl Archbald, ANHW ECA Chair For more information, contact Cheryl at
ECA is an alumni-engagement initiative of the Harvard Alumni Association that promotes pursuing college to low-income students, some of whom may be first generation in their family to attend college. Through ECA, ANHW members can play a more active role in their local community discussing their career journeys and inspiring students to continue their education, through events in partnership with schools and community organizations.
ANHW ECA MODELS The focus of ANHW’s ECA initiative will be global, creative, and relevant to our specific communities, highlighting the following models:
ANHW ~ School - Chapter/DSG plans a virtual or in-person ECA event in collaboration with a local school.
ANHW ~ Harvard Club - Chapter/DSG plans a virtual or in-person ECA event with the local Harvard Club and a school in their community.
ANHW ~ Community - Chapter/DSG collaborates on planning an ECA event with community partners.
ANHW~ Mentoring Program - Chapter/DSG partners with an established mentoring program in their community; ANHW members serve as mentors for young women.
ANHW~ Career Journey Mentor - Share your story! Be a Career Journey Mentor speaking on a panel or in a breakout session at a future ANHW ECA event to inspire & motivate young women.
If not already a member, we invite you to visit our membership page to join now and get involved in your local Chapter or Discussion/Social Group.
Since we do not charge dues, we need donations! We appreciate all gifts, no matter how small, which are necessary to cover operating expenses and to provide assistance in projects and events. Your support will allow us to expand our programming.