Corporate Board
In Memoriam
Gabriella Schlesinger, AB ‘58, summa cum laude
Director Emerita
February 4, 2021 • It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Gaby Schlesinger, Director Emerita and an ANHW founding member. Gaby was born in Haifa and emigrated with her parents to the US at age two. Her passions were progressive politics, bettering racial relations, improving interfaith relations, and strengthening education. She maintained a deep optimism and belief in the potential of the country to which she emigrated. As well as co-founding the New London School Volunteers, she served on the boards of organizations such as the League of Women Voters, the Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecticut, and ANHW. She will be deeply missed by the ANHW community and all of those she touched throughout her remarkable life.
In our first year, we established our governing committee, coordinated with alumnae groups from the Business and Law Schools, met with women in leadership roles at the University to learn where ANHW can be of service, and invited numerous students, faculty, and administrators to present to the governing committee regarding current concerns with respect to gender equity at the University. In addition we have begun to coordinate with other Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) in Harvard Alumni Association’s (HAA) broad network to determine how, through collaborative efforts, we can move forward to offer programs and meetups regarding women’s issues.
Interim Co-Presidents: Cornelia Choe, MPA’07 and Joan P. Schwartz, PhD ‘71
Vice President: currently vacant
Secretary: Kelly Flaherty Dempsey, AB ‘15
Treasurer: currently vacant
Communications: Lora-Marie Bernard, ALM ‘18
Communications: Janel Cunneen, ALM’06
Digital Technology & Design: Lindsey Pockl, EdM’22
Membership: Mary Rounsifer, ALM’21
Outreach: Anisha Kumar, AB’21
DEI Outreach: Lisa Khan, EdM ‘06
Program: Lynn Thoman, MBA’79
SIG/HC Liaison: Jillian Smith, ALM ‘14
Director Emerita: Acey Welch, AB ‘53
Resident Agent
Jessica Pesce, EdM ‘11
Senior Advisors on DSGs and Chapters
Victoria Doebbel Fernandez, EdM ’81
Lilia Bacu, MHQS ‘21