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ANHW Switzerland Presents a Webinar on Female Sexual Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Webinar with Dr. Leen Aerts, 13th October at 8pm (Swiss Time)

Topic: The topic will be the multidisciplinary approach of female sexual dysfunctions (Dr. Aerts is a gynecologist, so she does not see men in her clinic). She will especially talk about sexual pain during intercourse, as it is one of the most frequent sexual problems in women. She collaborates with a psychologist, sexologist, physiotherapist, body-mind therapist. If necessary other disciplines are included such as urology and neurology. She will focus on her work as a gynecologist, but will briefly discuss the work of the psychologist, sexologist, physiotherapist in her team in the talk.

Dr. Leen Aerts is an obstetrician-gynecologist and sexologist from Belgium. She worked at the University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium until 2014. She obtained a PhD in Biomedical Sciences in 2014. The topic of  her PhD research project was the sexual well-being of women with a gynecological cancer or breast cancer. Between 2014 and 2016 she lived in Montréal Canada where she did a post-doctoral research fellowship in the “Female sexual health“ lab of Prof Sophie Bergeron. She collaborated in several multidiscplinary research projects on chronic genital pain and worked together with sexual health specialists in Canada and the States (Irwin Goldstein, Irving Binik, Andrew Goldstein, etc). Since 2016 she has been working in the Geneva University Hospitals. She is responsible for the clinic for women with female sexual dysfunctions, vulvar pathologie and chronic genital pain. She also works in the endometriosis center and the clinic for women with female genital mutilation.

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